Beginning Easter Sunday, we will be in a three part series entitled The REZ Factor...essentially, what difference does / should the resurrection make?
Easter Sunday, April 4 - Beleive the short, the REZ demonstrates that a holy God is willing to forgive sinners based on His acceptance of Jesus' work...The REZ proves that God accepted Jesus' sacrifice and has made forgiveness possible.
Sunday, April 11 - Love the short, the REZ makes is possible for the most unloving, uncaring, thoughtless person to be restored. Specifically we will look at the re-instatement of Peter from Jn 21.
Sunday, April 18 - Do the Impossible... in short, the REZ makes is possible for frightened, overwhelmed men and women to be transformed into those who turn the world upside down. Specifically, we will look at the appearance of Jesus to the disciples from Luke 24.
If you cannot be at RRBC in person, you can follow the messages via the Media page at, or you can subscribe to the podcasts via iTunes...
Pastor Rob