Tuesday, December 2, 2008

God's Medicine 3

On Sunday, November 30, we experienced a worship service that was a little different. For the third time in our eight year history, we devoted an entire day to laughter and music. We call it "A Day of God's Medicine," calling to mind the words of Proverbs 17:22 - "A merry heart does good like medicine." The day is a reminder that, as God's people, we have much to rejoice over. We have reason to laugh...if "the one enthroned in heaven laughs" then certainly those who are loved by him have reason to laugh - even in the face of difficulty.

One of our skits centered on "spiritual giants." It was a tongue-in-cheek look at the way we will sometimes put on a spiritual front for others. Ryan, Rosie, Chad and Jennifer were good sports! They allowed us to have a bit of fun with characteristics and convictions that they are genuinely serious about. Ryan is a really patient guy...even in the "surveillance" video he couldn't get too worked up! Rosie really does sit at that chair and pray and study her bible...maybe not for 6-8 hours a day, but certainly NOT with a shopping list beside her! And Chad and Jen really do value children...but not as a means to and end (though Connor did a great job folding that laundry!). They love children as the good gifts God has given. I hope that the message that came through in that skit was to live consistently for Christ!

The kids were great in their "Kids Say" segment. I never thought of Kent as Samson, but maybe Langdon is onto something. And, how could we ask anything after Maddie gave us the "awwwww" moment of "The only guy I love is my daddy."

I hope everyone enjoyed our news segment as well. We certainly had fun taking pics of people and leaving them wondering what was going on. The news stories came from www.larknews.com, which is a satirical site of "less than true" Christian news stories.

I don't know when the next God's Medicine will be...but, you can be sure that we will want to do it again. After all, in the midst of a serious mission, it is important to remember that God's people can still enjoy a good laugh!

Pastor Rob

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